Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nepal Friendship Foundation- About Us..

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) tratta di una NGO con HMG del Nepal e Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu sotto la giurisdizione del Social Welfare Act del 2034.

Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è un autonomo, organizzazione non governativa di sviluppo (NGO) impegnate nella conservazione dell'ambiente, acqua potabile, la costruzione Monastero, Costruzione antica eredità, lo sviluppo sostenibile, istruzione per i bambini poveri, di aiutare famiglie povere, le infrastrutture piccola comunità e la salute della comunità.

Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è stato istituito nel 2010. Si tratta di un soggetto giuridico registrato (Regd. No. 795/066/067) Kathmandu con l'Ufficio Regionale di Governo del Nepal sotto la Registrazione Organization Act del 1977.Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è affiliata (Affiliation No. 9149) al Social Welfare Council una funzione di coordinamento e il corpo ombrello delle NGO in Nepal.

Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è un autonomo, organizzazione non governativa di sviluppo (ONG) fondata nel 2010. Si tratta di un soggetto giuridico registrato (Regd. No. 795/066/067) con Office Kathmandu distretto amministrativo di governo del Nepal sotto la Legge sull'organizzazione delle registrazione del 1977. Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è affiliata (Affiliation No. 9149) al Social Welfare Council una funzione di coordinamento e corpo ombrello di NGO in Nepal. quindi Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) è legalmente responsabile nei confronti del governo del Nepal per le sue transazioni finanziarie intere.

Economicamente sostenibile, Nepal rispettosi dell'ambiente e socialmente pacifica e armoniosa

Promozione di modelli di comunità sostenibili, che fondamentalmente prosperano sullo sfruttamento delle proprie risorse interne.

Sviluppo di mezzi di sussistenza sostenibili per le persone economicamente svantaggiate nelle comunità emarginate.

Elevazione delle comunità rurali attraverso interventi integrati di sviluppo con particolare attenzione alla utilizzazione delle risorse disponibili localmente.

Socio-economico e di coscienza responsabilizzazione dei beneficiari.
Mobilitazione delle risorse interne, conoscenze e know-how.
Partecipazione diretta dei beneficiari in iniziative di sviluppo.

Staff di forza:
Un team di 12 collaboratori guidato dal direttore esecutivo è impegnato nella realizzazione di progetti e tenere giorno per giorno le funzioni amministrative.

Comitato Esecutivo:
Il signor Nima Dorjee Tamang-Presidente
Mr. Sukabir Tamang Vice Presidente

Mr. Singa Tamang- Secretary 
Mr. Desh Bahadur Tamang- Member
Mr. Anish Bal generale membro
Mr. Tham Bahadur Tamang-Member
Mrs. Doma Tamang-Member
Mr. Ang Ringi Sherpa-Member
Mr. Ngima Dorjee Tamang-Member
Mr. Lakpa Tamang-Member
Mr. Sundar Tamang-Member
Mr. Somchhring Tamang, membro dell'Esecutivo
Mr. Dawa Sherpa-Member
Mr. Sonam Sherpa - Member
Area di intervento:
Le comunità rurali in tutto il Nepal in ritardo di sviluppo del programma di sviluppo nazionale.

Iscriviti alla nostra unità ::
Siamo sempre apprezzare e accogliere contributi da parte dei nostri benintenzionati. Gli individui che sono d'accordo con le cause che stiamo promuovendo in grado di supportare Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) nelle sue attività fornendo finanziario, materiale e sostegno morale e anche potete unire Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) attività a breve termine volontario

Progetti in corso / Programmi:

2. Old patrimoni ri-costruzione-Solukhumbhu distretto.
3. Public School sviluppo fisico Progetto Facility (edilizia School) Solu Khumbhu District.
4. Comunità Orchid Growing e la generazione dei progetti reddito, Ghorakhani-8, Solukhumbhu.
5. Nepal Educational Scholarship Program per la ragazza-studenti programma di promozione educativa, Solukhumbhu.
6. Educazione e sensibilizzazione Outreach comunitaria in materia di tratta di esseri umani Programma, Solukhumbhu
7. Programma di acqua potabile Gorakhani-8, e Dharapani, Solukhumbhu.
8. New Tamang costruzione Monastero buddista in Boudha-6, Distretto di Kathmandu.

Partnership con
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) (NFF):
Siamo ansiosi di lavorare in partenariato con ONG e OING / GOS che pensano Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) può essere un partner per la realizzazione del progetto comune.

Iscriviti alla nostra unità:
Siamo sempre apprezzare e accogliere contributi da parte dei nostri benintenzionati. Gli individui che sono d'accordo con le cause che stiamo promuovendo in grado di supportare Nepal
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) (NFF) nelle sue attività fornendo finanziario, materiale e sostegno morale e anche si può aderire come Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)  attività a breve termine volontario.

Se vuoi sostenerci facendo contributo finanziario / donazione, si prega di inviare il vostro contributo al seguente conto bancario:


Franch Translation:

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) est une NGO enregistrée avec HMG du Népal et des Affaires sociales du Conseil, Katmandou sous la juridiction de la Sécurité Sociale Loi sur le Conseil en 2034.

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) est un organisme autonome, l'organisation non gouvernementale de développement (NGO) engagées dans la conservation de l'environnement, l'eau potable, la construction monastère, Construction Ancienne patrimoines, le développement durable, l'éducation pour les enfants pauvres, aider la famille pauvre, de l'infrastructure petite communauté et la santé communautaire.

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) a été créé en 2010. Il est une personne morale enregistrée (n ° 795/066/067 Regd.) avec du district de Katmandou Bureau administratif du gouvernement du Népal vertu de la Loi de 1977 Organisation d'inscription.Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) est affilié (n ° affiliation 9149) au conseil social le bien-être un rôle de coordination et le corps de coordination d'ONG au Népal.

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) (NFF) est un organisme autonome, l'organisation non gouvernementale de développement (ONG) créée en 2010. Il est une personne morale enregistrée (n ° 795/066/067 Regd.) avec du district de Katmandou Bureau administratif du gouvernement du Népal en vertu de la Loi sur l'enregistrement Organisation de 1977. Amitié Népal Foundation (NFF) est affilié (n ° affiliation 9149) à la Charte sociale du Conseil de coordination et de bien-être du corps de coordination d'ONG au Népal. donc amitié Népal Foundation (NFF) est juridiquement responsable devant le gouvernement du Népal pour la totalité de ses transactions financières.

Économiquement viables, écologiquement rationnelles au Népal et socialement pacifique et harmonieuse

Promotion de communautés modèles durables qui se développent fondamentalement sur l'utilisation de leurs propres ressources internes.

Développement des moyens de subsistance durables pour les personnes économiquement défavorisées dans les communautés marginalisées.

Upliftment des communautés rurales grâce à des interventions intégrées de développement en mettant l'accent sur l'utilisation des ressources disponibles localement.

Socio-économique et consciencieux autonomisation des bénéficiaires cibles.
Mobilisation des ressources internes, les connaissances et savoir-faire.
La participation directe des bénéficiaires dans les initiatives de développement.

Une équipe de 12 personnes dirigée par le Directeur exécutif est engagé dans la mise en œuvre des projets et la tenue au jour le jour des fonctions administratives.

Comité exécutif:
M. Nima Dorjee Tamang-président
M. Sukabir Tamang-vice-président

Mr. Singa Tamang- Secretary 
Mr. Desh Bahadur Tamang- Member M. Anish Bal général membre
M. Tham Bahadur Tamang-membre
Mme Doma Tamang-membre
M. Ang Ringi Sherpa-membre
M. Tamang Ngima Dorjee-membre
M. Tamang Lakpa-membre
M. Sundar Tamang-membre
M. Tamang Somchhring-membre de l'exécutif
M. Dawa Sherpa-membre
M. Sonam Sherpa - Membre
Secteur d'opérations:
Les communautés rurales à travers le Népal, qui sont à la traîne du programme national de développement.

Rejoignez notre disque ::

Nous apprécions toujours et saluons les contributions de nos sympathisants. Les personnes qui sont d'accord avec les causes que nous défendons peut prendre en charge
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) dans ses activités en fournissant un soutien financier, matériel et moral, et même vous pouvez vous joindre au Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)  activités en tant que bénévole à court terme

Les projets en cours et programmes:
2. Vieux patrimoines re-construction-Solukhumbhu district.
3. L'école publique du projet d'aménagement d'installations physiques (construction de bâtiments scolaires) Solu Khumbhu district.
4. Communauté Orchid croissante et la génération de revenus du projet, Ghorakhani-8, Solukhumbhu.
5. Programme de bourse d'études pour le Népal Fille-étudiants Programme de promotion de l'éducation, la Solukhumbhu.
6. Sensibilisation et l'éducation communautaire sur le Programme de traite des êtres humains, Solukhumbhu
7. Programme d'approvisionnement en eau potable Gorakhani-8, & Dharapani, Solukhumbhu.
8. Nouvelle construction Tamang monastère bouddhiste dans Boudha-6, du district de Katmandou.

Le partenariat avec la
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF):
Nous sommes impatients de travailler en partenariat avec les ONG et OING / OG qui pensent amitié Népal Foundation (NFF) peut être un partenaire pour la mise en œuvre du projet commun.

Rejoignez notre lecteur:
Nous apprécions toujours et saluons les contributions de nos sympathisants. Les personnes qui sont d'accord avec les causes que nous défendons peut prendre en charge
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)  dans ses activités en fournissant un soutien financier, matériel et moral, et même vous pouvez participer à des activités Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)  en tant que bénévole à court terme.

Si vous souhaitez nous soutenir en faisant contribution financière / don, s'il vous plaît envoyez votre contribution sur le compte bancaire suivant:
Thank you.


Projects from Nepal Friendship Foundation...

The following projects have been undertaken by Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) in the districts:
Drinking Water
Health and Sanitation
Literacy Classes
Irrigation Development
Formation of Women Groups
Formation of Saving Groups
Conduct different Training’s
School Building Construction
Dry Fruit Project
Scholarship Programme
Unsaved Abortion
School Building Reconstruction (Earthquake destroyed)
Flour Construction
Health Post Building Construction
Scholarship and Volunteer Service
Income Generation (Vegetable growth, Egg hatching local chicken, Nursery Plants etc.)
Environment Protection Programs.
New Tamang Buddhist Monastery Construction.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mission of Nepal Friendship Foundation

                                  NEPAL FRIENDSHIP FOUNDATION

Promotion of sustainable model communities which fundamentally thrive on utilization of their own internal resources.

What is Nepal Friendship Foundation Mission ?

The main objective is Community development in the country. They are as the following :
• To raise the handicaped & illiterate women by providing the skillfull trainings time to time.
• To activate the forgotten skills by encouraging them.
• Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)
• To develope and encouragement to use in practical behaviours within the community.
• To be made them liberalized in economic conditions for trained personalities by managing local markets.
• To provide educational and physical materials for the institute where neccessary.
• To provide educational scholarship for honest, intelligent and hardworking students.
• To cooperate in the operation of health posts.
• To distribute medicines in free of cost.
• To provide necessary help in any natural calamities

Sponsor from Nepal Friendship Foundation

Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) NEEDS HELP?

Our organization being non-profit seeks assistance for the fulfillment of its objectives from overseas organizations and individuals. We accept the assistance in the form of materials finance and services.
We produce all the details of any assistance to our donor members in time to time and always go through their wish.

How you can help Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) ?
You can help Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) by donating on a regular basis. You can also make a one-time lump sum donation, which you can dedicate to your beloved ones.
You can also help Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF)immensely by spreading word on the ideologies, your belief and trust in Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF), which will have a multiplication effect. When you urge your friends and relatives to help us Nepalese help ourselves

Company Overview

Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF) is an autonomous, non-governmental development organization (NGO) engaged in environment conservation, drinking water, Monastery construction, Old heritages Construction, sustainable development,education for Poor Children, Helping Poor Family,small community infrastructure and community health.
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) is an autonomous, non-governmental development organization (NGO) established in 2010. It is a legal entity registered (Regd. No. 795/066/067) with Kathmandu District Administrative Office of Nepal Government under the Organization Registration Act of 1977.NEPAL FRIENDSHIP FOUNDATION is affiliated (Affiliation No. 9149) to the Social Welfare Council a coordinating and umbrella body of NGOs in Nepal. hence Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) is legally accountable to the government of Nepal for its entire financial transactions.

Economically sustainable, environmentally sound and socially peaceful and harmonious Nepal

Promotion of sustainable model communities which fundamentally thrive on utilization of their own internal resources.

Development of sustainable livelihoods for economically disadvantaged people in marginalized communities.

Upliftment of rural communities through integrated development interventions with focus on utilization of locally available resources.

Socio-economic and conscientious empowerment of target beneficiaries.
Mobilization of internal resources, knowledge, and know-how.
Direct participation of beneficiaries in development initiatives.

Staff strength:
A team of 12 staff headed by Executive Director is engaged in implementing projects and holding day-to-day administrative functions.

Executive Committee:
Mr. Nima Dorjee Tamang- President
Mr. Sukabir Tamang- Vice President

Mr. Singa Bahadur Tamang- Co-Coordinator
Mr. Dinesh Tamang- Member
Mr. Anish Bal- General Member
Mr. Tham Bahadur Tamang- Member
Mrs. Doma Tamang- Member
Mr. Ngima Dorjee Tamang- Member
Mr. Lakpa Tamang- Member
Mr. Sundar Tamang- Member 

Mr. Lakpa Tamang- Member
Mr. Dawa Sherpa- Member
Mr. Sonam Sherpa- Member
Mrs. Doma Tamang- Member
Mrs. Mingma Dolma Lopchan- Member
Ms. Doma Sherpa 
and Many More.....

Area of operation:
Rural communities throughout Nepal which are lagging behind the national development program.

Join our drive::
We always appreciate and welcome contributions from our well-wishers. Individuals who agree with the causes we are promoting can support Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) in its activities through providing financial, material and moral support and even you can join Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) activities as a short-term volunteer

On-going Projects/Programs:
1. Providing a Drinking water to Villages
2. Old heritages re-construction- Solukhumbhu district.
3. Public School Physical Facility Development Project (School Building Construction) Solu Khumbhu District.
4. Community Orchid Growing and Income Generation Project, Ghorakhani-8, Solukhumbhu.
5. Nepal Educational Scholarship Program for Girl-students Educational Promotion Program, Solukhumbhu.
6. Education Outreach and Community Awareness on Human Trafficking Program, Solukhumbhu
7. Drinking water supply program Gorakhani-8, & Dharapani, Solukhumbhu.
8. New Tamang Buddhist Monastery construction in Boudha-6, Kathmandu District.

Partnership with Nepal Friendship Foundation (NFF):
We look forward to working in partnership with NGOs/INGOs/GOs which think Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) can be a partner for mutual project implementation.

Join our drive:
We always appreciate and welcome contributions from our well-wishers. Individuals who agree with the causes we are promoting can support Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) in its activities through providing financial, material and moral support and even you can join BHN activities as a short-term volunteer.

If you wish to support us by making financial contribution/donation, please send your contribution to the following bank account:

General information
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) has been rendering its services to the people living in the Sagarmatha Zone, Solukhumbu District. Most of the projects are launched in the rural areas and the Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) has been implementing the projects on the basis of self-reliance and sustainability principles. In most of the projects the Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) has adopted a policy for 40-50 percent people’s participation and in the construction projects like drinking water and irrigation, the beneficiaries collect operation and maintenance (O&M) fund for the purpose of sustainability.
The main concept of the Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) is to uplift the socio-economic condition of the people living in the rural areas by means of income generation, by applying the improved agricultural technology to yield high agriculture production, to facilitate the people by providing drinking water and to create awareness by conducting adult literacy/post literacy programs.
The main targets for the community development are the depressed and backward classes and the focus groups are the women and children.
• Identify the needs of communities and work towards fulfilling them.
• Provides support for the micro-hydro scheme across the district.
• Conducts training and workshops inside and outside organization.
• Runs activities, events with collaboration of government and non-government organizations.
• Help communities to preserve their local culture and heritage.
• Mobilizes organization’s resources for natural disasters across the district and launch rehabilitation programme for the affected individual or families in conjunction with the activities of other organizations.
• Organizing inter/intra district extra-curricular activity competitions.
Contact Us
Nepal Friendship Foundation(NFF) is only the leading local organization in Solukhumbu working towards the sustainable development of the communities. Therefore, any like minded persons and organizations are welcome to join us to walk hand in hand for the betterment and sustainable development of the communities and people of Solukhumbu district.


Gorakhani-8, Solukhumbu, Nepal
Kapan-1, Faika Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone/Fax: 4820243
For liaison in Kathmandu:
Phone: 977-1-4820243/014820951
P.O. Box:10250, KTM, Nepal